Remembering ChauncieMarie, French Matriarch of the Wonderpurr Gang

ChauncieMarie, the French matriarch of the Wonderpurr Gang, who epitomized a joyous, exuberant and stylish influence over her adopted bourgeois family, has died. While she preferred to keep her age a mystery, it is believed she was eight months shy of celebrating her 20th anniversaire.

Though not inclined to speak of her past, a surprise dinner of mackerel to celebrate her tenth year with her forever family had her reminiscing about how she’d once been filled with too much joie de vivre that led her into the arms of a handsome but homeless rogue by the name of LePark. 

Without going into detail, she’d survived by begging and stealing, until she found mercy from a family who gave her a small cardboard pied-à-terre. The family called her Chauncy, thinking she was a boy – a rather fat boy as by then she was clearly enceinte with twin girls. 

Though grateful to them for saving her life, she knew she could not stay, especially when they allowed their little boys to name her daughters Bucket and Barney. Quelle horreur!

Freshly arrived at what would become her Forever Home,
ChauncieMarie loved shoes, especially Christian Louboutin.
Sadly, her new family preferred cheap rubber flipflops.
Zut alors!

When her petites filles were on their way to becoming young ladies, albeit little heathens as they loved to hunt mice in the adjacent field (clearly, they’d inherited their father’s proletariat DNA) the mysterious French girl Chauncy bid them adieu and set out to make a better life for herself. She did not have to go far. The chateau across the road recognized her as a well-heeled aristocrat with a mysterious past and changed her name to ChauncieMarie.

Struck that her adopted family desperately needed refinement, ChauncieMarie flicked back her left ear in what would become her trademark display of cultured elegance ala a feathery fascinator and went to work. For the next seventeen years she taught us that each day is a gift to celebrate, no matter what maladies plague your aging body. She loved her brothers and sisters without judgment, and upon retiring to Florida, spent her final years basking in sunshine.

On June 11TH, upon murmuring ‘Une vie honorable es tune vie éternelle’ – An honorable life is an eternal life - ChauncieMarie gained her heavenly wings. She is deeply missed.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Gidget! I never learned to speak French, but I know ChauncieMarie would be very impressed that yoo do. Love, Dori

  2. Sweet ChauncieMarie, how you will be missed now that you are on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. We are saddened to see you leave this side.

    1. Me too. She never made me feel sad, and she always listened to my pwoblems. I had a lot of pwoblems... but at least she gave me good advice on how to deal with my brofurs. I miss her alweady.

  3. We are saddened to learn of the loss of your beautiful lady, a life well lived. If I may do her the honor of a Forever Memory image, to be shared with others, please let me know by email. May she rest well now as she so deserves.

    1. I know ChauncieMarie would be vewy honored with a Forever Memory image. Thank yoo so much. Love, Dori

  4. So sorry that ChauncieMarie's kitty life ended!
    She was a cute and feisty girl and no doubt enjoyed her life.
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful ladycat. (((hugs)))

  6. Chauncie Marie, all of us here in TT are truly sorry, and we send hugs and loves, to you
    and to mom and dad as well. While we know you are in a better place, heaven, starting
    your tenth and forever life, we understand how hard this is on your pawrents. You are,
    and always will be a gorgeous gal. 💖💖💖💖💖

    Look for Dai$y, matriarch of trout towne, recent arrival in heaven herself, and she
    can show you the best place to shop for pink boa’s 🎀

    loves from, dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce and mackerull ~~~~ and de gurl laura

    1. ChauncieMarie almost made it to her twentieth birthday, but I know now she's watching over me as my purrsonal guardian angel. She loved me, and I miss her vewy much.

    2. Wee are fury sorry Chauncie Marie went to Purr Land. Wee nose shee will bee safe there. Butt wee nose how hard it will bee to adjust. May all yore memoreess an fotoss an bloggie postss bee a comfert to you!
      ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  7. I am so very sorry to hear about your sweet ChauncieMarie. Such an elegant ladycat, so loved always and surely to be missed. Hugs from all of us.

    1. Thank yoo so very much. She should have been a star, but she thought attention-seeking was rather gauche.

  8. I am very sorry that ChauncyMarie made her journey to the Bridge. She was a lovely lady who will be missed.

    1. Yes, she's already missed so much. Thank yoo for your kind words.

  9. ChauncieMarie you were a quite a regal Tabby Matriarch. What a beautiful name...
    I send healing hugs to your family
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Miz Cecilia, she was both regal and somewhat of a tart. Sorry, but she loved the boys - both kitteh and hooman.

  10. We are sorry to read that ChauncyMarie has departed, knowing that her classy presence will be sorely missed by the Wonderpurr Gang. But we sure are glad she shared her wisdom with us too. Purrs.

    1. I'm working hard to fill her place with class and beauty. Sadly, I do enjoy wrassling with Fwank, so maybe I'm not the ideal one to replace her.

  11. I'm so, so sorry. Such a beautiful ladycat who will be remembered forever.

  12. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. No amount of time with them is ever long enough. XO

  13. An honourable life indeed, and a loved one. Godspeed, ChauncieMarie.

  14. Dear Kim, Ray and the entire Wonderpurr gang, We are so saddened to read of the loss of your beautiful ChauncieMarie. It seems to me that when our fur babies live such wonderfully long lives that we tend to think they'll be with us forever, and their loss leaves such a huge hole in our hearts. You and Ray are the very best cat parents, and I know ChauncieMarie, like all your kitties do, had the best life in your loving home. Please know that I am holding you both close in my heart as you grieve her loss. Sending you much love and warm hugs, Janet and Tom and all the Kitties Blue 💔🙏🏻

    1. Yoo are such a dear friend, and we all appreciate yoor kind words. Purrs, Dori and Momma

  15. I am so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl <3

  16. OH, what a lovely story and kitty! And what a hole she must have left in your lives. Merci for your story as we just lost our Loulou and know how you must be feeling. Desolée....a bientôt from us.

    1. Oh no! I didn't know about LouLou. My sincerest condolences.

  17. Oh dear, we didn't know dear ChauncieMarie, but we are so sorry to hear that she's crossed the Bridge. Me and my dad are sending you warm hugs, purrs and love in hopes it helps a bit. Dad said to tell you that his old Orbit made it to 22 years. Oh, and we really like the thing about old cats being the treasure at the end of the rainbow.

    1. Orbit must have loved yoor daddy very much. Thank yoo for the hugs and purrs.

  18. I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl and I love her sweet ear flip. Hugs to you♥

    1. I've tried doing the ear flip thingy, but fwankly, I just can't pull it off. So sad.

  19. Oh, ChauncieMarie, you will be so missed. Run fast and free and bask in that warm sunshine forever.

    1. Yoo are so right about her enjoying the heavenly sunshine. She loved being warm.

  20. I, my mommy as well, are so sorry that Chauncie Marie has gone to Heaven. My mom and I would have loved knowing her when she was still with you. We both loved her story as told by you with Chauncie's permission regarding her personal details...(a girl does have privileges after all! ) Admiral who is in the company of Dai$y since Katie Isabella can't make it there yet, said she would love to make your acquaintance too...and that she has a wonderful cafe that she runs with Mariodacat. Chauncie Marie would love the foods there.

    1. Oh, ChauncieMarie is probably already at yoor cafe, offering to make her famous catnip croissants. Purrs to yoo all.

  21. I am so sorry about ChauncieMarie. A beautiful testimonial to the French Matriarch of the Wonderpurr Gang♥

  22. Fly Free, Sweet ChauncieMarie! 🌈
    I made you a memento and will soon post it to our blog, and also I will send t to your Gmail account.
    Hugs! Big tight ones.🥰❤️🥰

    1. Yoo are so very thoughtful. ChauncieMarie would be honored.

  23. Reposez en paix, elegant kitty with gentle thoughts of comfort for your earthy family. 💔

  24. Hugs and best wishes to your family, our dear kitty angel.
    - Darla M Sands

  25. "Bon Vent" as we say here in France (it means "happy trails" even though it translates as "good wind"). You were clearly "une grande dame".

    Les Chans

    1. She was indeed elegant and grande. Thank yoo so much.

  26. Awwww guys, we are so sorry to learn that Chauncie Marie has departed for🌈The Rainbow Realm 💔 We loved your tribute to such a furbulous ladycat, and send oodles of gentle hugs and softs to mew at this sad time xx

    1. Thank yoo so much, B Team. Yoo are all much loved.

  27. We're so sorry about ChauncieMarie. We're so glad she's part of the Wonderpurr Gang.

  28. I am so sorry that we have only just seen this sending you big hugs and snuggles to you all xx Rachel and Little Miss Titch


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