About Us


Welcome to It’s a Wonderpurr Life.

We’ve been around a long time (since 2012) and have undergone numerous changes to adapt to the interest of our ever-changing audience. We don’t do what all the other cat blogs do because they have their own specialized niches concerning cat health, socialization, and enrichment. Why try to put our own spin on something they already do exceptionally well?

Therefore, we specialize in cat humor. The momanager, Kimberley Koz, is a cat magnet and a humor writer, so it makes sense. She’s also been an advocate for cat rescue since 1982 when Katie, a white pregnant stray with a black tail and a black butterfly birthmark on her forehead, arrived during a thunderstorm and stayed.

Years later, with over one hundred rescues to their credit, Kim and cat daddy Ray have been there, done that, and worn the cat-hair-covered tee shirt when it comes to rescuing primarily from neighborhood colonies. If there’s a colony nearby – we’ve moved several times and there always is - cats will find our yard, and if they’re remotely adoptable, they will get their Forever Home.

And even if they aren’t adoptable, they still get their Forever Home because we adopt them. Ferals and problem cats are our specialties.

Starting January 31, 2023, we offer an exciting new format featuring our rescues known as the Wonderpurr Gang who are diverse in breed and ages from 5 to 18. We also have one Turkish Van purebred known as the AssRabbit, if that tells you what kind of dude he is.

Tuesdays with Dori - everyone's favorite lisping tabby - alternates weeks with Bweaking Nooz, Letters from Dori, Wake-Up Call and The Intermew.

On Thursdays select members of the Gang meet as a panel on Kick the Litter (think The View) for a humorous debate on Hot Topic issues like Kitteh Talk and the Pros and Cons of Hiding Pills in Noms.

And from time to time we will showcase the Gang in funny Behind the Scenes moments with our own Cattoons and Memes.

Thank you so much for following us. And if you enjoy what you see, please subscribe to our Wonderpurr Entertainment by adding your email to the form located in our sidebar.

Like funny cat books? Author Kimberley Koz weaves grand adventures like a Disney movie using her rescue cats as characters. Click image below to check out her author page.

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