Groom Genie is Wonderpurr

copyright KimberleyKoz

Hi, this is Herman TattleCat for Groom Genie.

Recently I was asked to review the Groom Genie, a palm-size, paw-shaped bristle brush designed to detangle knots in our fur, as well as sweep away dirt and loose hair.


 And now my sisfur, Adorapurr, will demonstrate a use for the Groom Genie other than brushing our fur. Dori, take it away!


Darn! I was just getting into the mewsic too!

Anyway... the Groom Genie is big hit with the Wonderpurr Gang. There wasn't one of us who didn't have a good case of elevator butt, or roll over for a tummy grooming.

You see, using the Groom Genie is just like our mom is petting us with a zillion fingernails. Those tiny bristles in the Groom Genie slip past our fur right down to our skin where it sweeps away dirt and loose hairs while giving us what feels like a calming massage.

In fact, after I was groomed, I took a nice long nap. It made me comfortapurr instead of stressed like brushing with slickers and other types of pet brushes have done in the past.

So we are now fans of the Groom Genie at my house. Yay!

Disclaimer: We have received the reviewed product free-of-charge. Our claims and/or opinions regarding this product are not in any way influenced by the provider of the product, nor the product manufacturer.

Click below to check out for your own Groom Genie.

copyright KimberleyKoz

Remembering HRMeownessWills, my Pwince Honeysmoochies

On January 2, 2016 my beloved Pwince Honeysmoochies - @HRMeownessWills - went Over the Rainbow Bridge. I didn't see it coming. I wish Wills had let me know that his sweet heart was giving out... But I guess sometimes things like that are very private. He didn't want to worry me. 
Wills was my Night in Shiny Armpurr. We met through our mew-tual furend @ArcherPaws. For our first date Wills escorted me to a wedding in Scotland. 

The Heartbreak of Saying Goodbye

Hi everybuddy! It’s me, Dori. *wavy paws* I’m so glad to see yoo. Welcome to Part 2 of my Octopurr Spooky Stories.

As I mentioned last week, in the past I made up spooky stories for the month of Octopurr, but this year, the stories are REAL! So grab yoor bag of Reese’s Franken-Cups, and a mug of hot buttered rum, cuz I’m going to scare every one of yoo, especially those who are considering a future move with cats.

In last week’s story, Disappearing Rooms and Stranger Danger, furniture dissy-peared and strangers kept ringing our doorbell to come inside. They even trapped us under false beds, and prevented us from using the litter boxes. Extremely scary stuff, folks! Yoo see, Daddy had set a date for retiring from the company that makes Amazon boxes, and he wanted to move his family before that happened since buying a home while employed has less hoops to jump through than after retirement. So, for the past year and a half my pawrents had traveled through Mrs. Ippi, Ally Bama, and Aunt Lanna (<- scary ol’ witch) at least six or seven times to search for the purrfect home in FloryDa. That’s where Daddy wanted to live. Not Momma. Momma loves the Tennessee mountains, but she caved. So sad, cuz Momma gets very crabby in the hoomidity.

Eventually they finally found a smaller house on the northeast side of the state with a huge water bowl in the backyard. Plus the screened-in Catio would allow the Wonderpurr Gang to get fresh air, as it was three miles from the ocean. The only trouble was, it took 12 hours without stopping to get there. And as that scary bad Chinese virus had suddenly turned the world upside down, traveling anywhere, even to the grocery store, had not only become dangerous… It had become deadly.

Disappearing Rooms and Stranger Danger


Hi evfurrybuddy! It's me, Dori. *wavy paws!*

Every Octopurr I tell Spooky Stories on Tuesdays. In the past I made up the stories. But this year, the spooky stories are REAL! How real? Well… the entire Wonderpurr Gang was moved against our will from our cozy home of fourteen years (twenty minutes from Elvis Presley’s backyard) to the strange land known as FloryDa. Yoo know there are a lot us in the Wonderpurr Gang, and most of us come from a feral cat colony. So not only was it super scary moving us, but also unplanned adventures kept happening to keep us from arriving safe. So grab yoor bucket of candy corn and yoor hot mug of apple cider, cuz for the next four Tuesdays, I’m going to scare every one of yoo with Behind the Scenes stories of how we moved to FloryDa without losing a single cat (although my pawrents sadly suffered the loss of their minds.)

It was a Dark and Stormy night…

Actually, the sun was fweakin hot n humid on that last day in Southaven, the place where we lived my entire life. But eventually that Dark and Stormy night showed its ugly face and caused my very tired, near hallucinating pawrents to fear they might not make it to FloryDa safely.