Slobber Pillows and Zoomies

Dear Friends,

Bweaking Nooz! Christmas is only 19 sleeps away, so if yoo are stalling to buy presents or write greeting cards, I encourage yoo to get yoor act together today, cuz eating a daily bowl of stress is no way to spend the approaching holidays.

Sadly, not everyone takes my advice. Momma didn’t design our Christmas card until two weeks ago, and then, despite calling the company to make sure envelopes were included with postcards, the envelopes did not arrive. However, because customer service was wrong, they refunded the cost of shipping. So, Momma then jumped on Prime to get them delivered the next day. And, of course, she padded that order with a few things because let’s face it, stress requires comfort, be it sugar, likker, or a little shopping spree.

'Tiz the Season to Be Bizzy

Dear Frens,
I hope by now yoo have recovered from Thanksgiving dinner where yoor tummy pushed the limits of how far yoor pants could stretch. 

At my house there was not a turkey in sight, other than in the cans of Fancy Feast our momma opened. This year my pawrents opted for Cornish Game Hens, but with the usual trimmings. Daddy did most of the cooking and Momma let him, thankful to have a husband who actually wants to cook. After years of being in the kitchen during their restaurant years, Momma swore if she never had to cook anything beyond quiche or soup, she would be happy to pass the tongs to someone else.