Rabbit Receives Much-Needed Advice from Dr. Basil


Pals, Rabbit here. Yah, long time no meow, mostly cuz our momanager has allowed Dori to monopolize our family blog. Pffft! That's show biz, I guess. Anyway! I happened upon the homesite of the Bionic Basil B Team last week and saw Dr. Basil is back to giving advice.

Years ago my brother Herman consulted Dr. Basil on various topics, and was even fortunate to meet his momanager in purrson at the Blogpaws conference in Myrtle Beach. Good times, good memories. So when I was growling about feeling unappreciated, Herms recommended I unload my issues on Dr. Basil and see what resolutions he could come up with.

Boy, do I feel vindicated! Dr. Basil has a phenomenal background in understanding the feline psychic and as a result, he totally got me.

Please do yourself a favorite and click the image below, not only to read Basil's advice, but also to find our how you can get your problems resolved by the ultimate expurrrt in feline problems.

You won't regret it! Until ... well. Whenever cuz clearly everyone's darling Dori has full reign over this blog. Purrs, Rabbit.


  1. Dr. Basil gives such great advice. I read him often.

    Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. Rabbit, how fortuitous you are here today. We were so furry worried about that horrible hurricane down there months ago. But you are dry and floofy and we did read your need fur help with Dr. Basil. He seems an honest doctor and furry kind and full of incite. Precious and Lynn

  3. Dr. Basil gave very good advice, and now everyone knows that nothing is your fault, but the fault of your ancestors.

  4. We are always happy to see you, Rabbit - and hope you got Good Advice.

  5. WE did read DR. Basil's post and thought it was very thoughtful. We're so glad you found it helpful, Rabbit!

    The Chans

  6. Oh we had fun when we read that over at BBHQ, good advise Rabbit!

  7. Rabbit, we are glad Dr. Basil was able to help you sort stuff out. He is amazing, insightful, and so kind, too!

  8. RABBIT you handsome HANDSOME boy you. (and naughty too.)

  9. Rabbit dude, we are so glad that Basil could help, and if mew need any help in the future, just pop over to BBHQ and we'll get mew sorted, remember The B Team has always got your six dude!


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