Time Travel to Blogpaws 2014 - Day 3

 Friends, there's nothing like getting sick when you're far from home. Me and Mom share this experience because on her first trip to Vegas a few years before me, she got food poisoning at the Treasure Island hotel after eating in their restaurant. 

She got so sick, she asked Daddy to call for a doctor. Mom never asks for a doctor, but she was scared. The hotel wouldn't help Daddy, saying basically they weren't responsible. So Daddy had to put Mom in a cab and rush her to a nearby clinic. They wanted to admit her because she was severely dehydrated, but Mom had a plane to catch back home and said no. The trip back home was horrible, and because Treasure Island was so unsympathetic, Mom vowed to tell everyone she knew about her experience.

Anyway, here's what happened when I got rushed to Emergency:

Time Travel to Blogpaws 2014 - Day 2


What the Friskies! You back already? Boy, that was a short night. I barely got in my standard nine hour cat nap. Anyway! I guess you're here to read the diary I kept while I attended the Las Vegas BlogPaws 2014 convention. Go ahead and read below. I'm going back to bed. 

DAY TWO: MAY 7, 2014

Time Travel To Blogpaws 2014 - Day 1


Hi pals, it's me Herman!!! back with an exciting week of Time Travel to 2014 when I flew to Las Vegas beside my pawrents to attend my first Blogpaws adventure. The week started out very exciting since I'd never been on a plane. But soon after we arrived, my pawrents realized I was in trouble and mom had to call 9-11.

I kept a diary of my adventure, as follows:

Dear Monday - You Are Hereby Cancelled

Dear Monday: You are hereby given notice to leave the premises immediately and not return. 

So far you are being blamed for Daddy stepping in a Gidget-gross hairball first step out of bed. 

You are also to blame for crows tearing apart the trash bags on the curb shortly after my Dadders put them out.

You made Momma spill 95% of her breakfast shake, making a mess of epic proportions. Plus she had used the last of her strawberries and was devastated. 

Also, the gooey drink dripped over the counter into the drawers, as well as soaked her shoes and shorts. Not a good look, I assure you.