Official Invitation to August to Join the 'BER Months

Dear August,

This is Dori, *wavy paws*. I know this is short notice, but I would like yoo to formally join the ’BER Months by changing yoor name to AugtoBER.

Here are my reasons why this would be a good move for yoo.

There are no major federal holidays celebwated during the month of August. Other than Homemade Pie Day on the 1st, and Inpurrnational Cat Day on the 8th… and maybe Wurld Honeybee Day on the 19th because they are in danger of being extincted, along with International Homeless Animals Day which hurts my heart to think of animals being homeless, August isn’t a month where hoomons get an official day off along with an excuse to overeat and dwink wine and be silly.

Balloons to Heaven Day on the 6th is a very bad idea, August. Them rubber floaty things end up in lakes and oceans and eff up aquatic life. Apologies for saying a bad wurd but, I’m vewy serious.

Cwackers Over the Keyboard Day on the 28th is just plain silly. And National Dan Day on the 31st leaves me with so many questions: Who is Dan? Where does he live? What did he do that was special enough to get a day named after him? And are all hoomons named Dan being celebwated on that day, or only just one guy named Dan? Also, what about kittehs and doggos named Dan? Are they getting celebwated too? Thinking about this hurts my bwain, August.

Now, here are my reasons why yoo should change yoor name to AugtoBER.

The ‘BER Months start in SeptemBER where children go back to school. They get new clothes and new school supplies and start talking about what costume they will wear on Halloween and what kind of pie they like best for Thanksgiving and what they want Santa Claus to bwing them for Christmas.

August, if yoo join the ‘BER Months, yoo will usurp the usual excitement related to SeptemBER by being the first to get everyone excited with anticipation for the change that’s coming from hot and sweaty weather to cooler temperatures where leaves change to pwetty colors and noms become delicious and cweative like sugar cookies made to look like slices of punkin pie.

The ‘BER Months typically get hoomons thinking about Christmas, so they get out their notebooks and start planning lists on what to buy, and what to bake, and what photos will be on their Christmas card or what family achievements they will brag about in their Holiday newsletter. 

If yoo joined the ‘BER Months, August, maybe we could finally get yoo a legitimate National Holiday called Get Excited for HollowThanksMas where everyone spends that day planning costumes, what pie they will serve after turkey noms, and sorting out who belongs on the Nice List as opposed to the Naughty List.

Anyway, AugtoBER -- I’m calling yoo AugtoBER to let yoo try it on and see how it fits – I realize this is last minute, but I sincerely hope yoo will abandon yoor hot, sweaty, no-nothing existence among the summer months, and come join the Fun Months. Come be a ‘BER and I promise yoo will have no regrets.

Sincerely, Dori, President of the ‘BER Months Fan Club

How We Spent Our Memorial Day Weekend

Dearest Friends, We hope yoo are in the process of recovering from a long, fun-filled holiday weekend, and didn’t overindulge in too many hot dogs slathered with mustard and catsup with extra relish and potato salad on the side. With chips and Coca Cola. And blueberry pie. Never skip the pie.

Momma bought us a can of shredded crabmeat to celebrate, but only Wabbit seemed to like it. If she had bothered to text me I could’ve saved her three dollars by telling her to spend the money wisely on Churus.

Anyway, we had a very exciting weekend and … wait for it… all because Momma took Chevy and Nikolas to see Dr. Feelgood on Thursday. I know, good things normally don’t come from being crammed into a pet carrier and driven to the ends of the earth, only to be poked and prodded by a stranger who smells like dogs and foreign cats. But Thursday was a rare exception.

Wonderpurr Gift Ideas for Cat Daddy's Day


Hi Frens, it's me, Elly. True, I don't get much facetime on It's a Wonderpurr Life what with Dori kinda hogging the attention... like always... don't get me started.

Anyway! I'm here to show you what I bought my Daddy for Cat Daddy's Day. It's a purrsonalized coffee mug with me lying exactly on his back like I do evfurry night. Daddy is my favorite. And I'm his favorite! So I wanted to get him something that he would love. ME! is all about cats and their hoomons. You can buy mugs with up to five cats on them, designed to look like your own kittehs. And you can put their names on them. You can choose the color of skin and hair and add a beard on the hoo-dad if you want. 

There are mugs for all occasions. Plus tee shirts and tote bags and pillows and iPhone cases, and even ornaments. And you design each one to look exactly how your loved ones look in purrson!

If you click below - or even on the sidebar - you will automatically get 10 purrcent off your order. also is generous about giving you money back for sharing their codes. So this is a really great gift idea. Not only for Cat Daddy's Day, but also for all occasions, or with just phrases like:

Proud Cat Mother of... 

Cat Mother Coffee Lover

Yes, I'm the Crazy Cat Lady

I Don't Need An Alarm, I Have a Cat

Every Day is Caturday

There are bunches of phrases to pick from. So don't delay. Cat Daddy's Day is three weeks away! 

Be sure to click our code link on the image below or on our sidebar so we can get credits toward future orders. 

Now go off and have a Wonderpurr Day!

Thirsty Squirrels and Easter Breakfast

Dearest Friends, Well, it’s been a Wonderpurr week at my house, the place where I live. I hope yoo are feeling encouraged by the approach of Spring, even if it’s dwagging it’s foots in yoor part of the world. Please treat yoorself to a pwetty potted tulip to cheer up yoor room dΓ©cor. No lilies cuz they are toxic to all who nom them, but yoo already know that.

At my house we went for weeks without any rain, so much so that my momma began to worry about Sassy Squirrel who lives in the tree behind our catio. I overheard her ask Daddy, “Are they getting enough water?” Daddy – who has been married long enough to know where Mom was going with this question – replied, “I’m sure Mother Nature is taking care of them just fine.”

“Mother Nature is a temperamental bee-atch,” Momma replied. “Look at the death and destruction from the tornadoes she sent to Mississippi and Arkansas.”

We lived in Mississippi on the Memphis border up until three years ago. Yoo don’t want to fool around with them tornados.

Ginger Kitty and Jumper Cables


Hi evfurrybuddy! It's me, Dori *wavy paws* all excited because Christmas is on Caturday next week. Is it just my momma, or did Christmas get here way too fast? She said all her energy went into shopping and wrapping gifts, so this year she's skipping the part where she traditionally bakes biscotti.

I got a surprise package this week from Miz Janet over at The Cat on my Head who said she thought I needed Ginger Kitty, a little toy that looks like a gingerbread cat, to make me feel better. I've had a rough year because of Wabbit, who now thinks I'm his prey and needs to be hunted at all cost. He is not James Bond. Wabbit does not have a license to kill. So I had to move into the master bedwoom to live wif the seniors in order to avoid him. 

The Great Pumpkin Interview

Hi evfurryone, this is me, Dori. *wavy paws* I hope yoo are all enjoying a beautiful autumn, and not overindulging in pumpkin spice everything.

Today I am joined by my littergator furend, Pwetzel Kitteh. Due to the wurld we live in where evfurrybuddy sues over stoopid stuff like not enough strawberry in a Pop Tart, Pwetzel (his real name is Peanut, but I'm his favorite client so I get to call him Pwetzel) has agreed to accompany me during my intermew with The Great Punkin. Just in case he gets overly sensitive and decides to sue me for my Bweaking Nooz questions.

Will You Be My Valentine Game Show

Welcome to the Wonderpurr new game show, Will You Be My Valentine? where one lovely young lady questions three bachelors to decide which she would enjoy having accompany her on a fabulously exotic vacation date. I'm your host. Herman TattleCat, and these are the lucky Bachelors:
Bachelor Numpurr One is known as The Cat Who Gives Back. When you buy him a treat on his website, he will donate proceeds to animal rescues, feline health research, TNR and everything else to help animals. Being a feral TNR rescue himself, this bachelor recently had his Basepaws DNA examined to discover he's an impressive mix of Siberian, American Shorthair, Maine Coon, Russian Blue, and Abyssian, along with a bit of Persian, Bengal, Savannah, Burmese and Egyptian Mau thrown in. 

Livin the dream on Canada's Cape, meet the guy you all know as @ItsMeKevin_theCat.