The Leprechaun Trap - a Wonderpurr Cattoon


This week's Cat-toon features me, the resident AssRabbit, setting a trap for a leprechaun. Heard they might offer someone treasure if they're caught. Let's see what happens.

So pals, did I do the right thing by turning down the Leprechaun's offer of gold and Black Forest Ham? Cats don't need money, and frankly I saw a huge package of BFH in the fridge just this morning.

Enjoy your green beer, cabbage and corned beast.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 

Breaking News: Escaped Boat Drama

Hi evfurrybuddy! This is Dori with BWEAKING NOOZ!

This morning a MYSTERIOUS unidentified boat was found STRANDED along the shoreline in my nooz territory.

I was INSTANTLY on the scene to bwing yoo my purrsonal report.

Could this boat be STOLEN?

Possibly by a DRUG CARTEL?

Possibly by CRIMINALS from Cuba or maybe even DAYTONA BEACH?

Enquiring minds want to know, and I'm here to give yoo the SCOOP!

Cellmates, Farewells and Name Changes

 ​Dear Diary​ -

This morning around 4 am I was shocked and delighted to see Mom thrust Frank into my ZenDen with me. 

As Frank tells it, he had a strong urge to harass Jesse the Toothless Wonder, and chased the dude up over the refrigerator into the loft. There Jesse screamed like a Drama Queen. 

Side note: although not having a single tooth in his mouth, his scream carries amazingly strong throughout the house, and directly into Mom's ears, despite her being relatively comatose.

I later overheard Mom tell Dadders that she'd spent the worst night ever, what with Peaches insisting on draping herself over her legs, and Dori sitting beside her head, tickling her with her whiskers, licking her face, and wiping her wet nose on her cheek. So when Jesse screamed "HAAALP," that was the final straw.