Time Travel To Blogpaws 2014 - Day 1


Hi pals, it's me Herman!!! back with an exciting week of Time Travel to 2014 when I flew to Las Vegas beside my pawrents to attend my first Blogpaws adventure. The week started out very exciting since I'd never been on a plane. But soon after we arrived, my pawrents realized I was in trouble and mom had to call 9-11.

I kept a diary of my adventure, as follows:

Dear Monday - You Are Hereby Cancelled

Dear Monday: You are hereby given notice to leave the premises immediately and not return. 

So far you are being blamed for Daddy stepping in a Gidget-gross hairball first step out of bed. 

You are also to blame for crows tearing apart the trash bags on the curb shortly after my Dadders put them out.

You made Momma spill 95% of her breakfast shake, making a mess of epic proportions. Plus she had used the last of her strawberries and was devastated. 

Also, the gooey drink dripped over the counter into the drawers, as well as soaked her shoes and shorts. Not a good look, I assure you. 

Feline Social Director FAIL

 We at It's a Wonderpurr Life have been aware for some time that retirement isn't all fun and games. And often those who are retired yearn for the good old days when they felt Vibrant and Necessary. 

Our Dadders is feeling the pinch of being retired, and so is our beloved Herman!!! who still drags those three exclamation marks along behind his name. So, we have decided to bring back Herm's column with a fresh twist:

For today's post, Herman will time travel back to 2014 when he had just returned from his very first Blogpaws conference in Las Vegas. There he met Hauspanther Catification designer Kate Benjamin who inspired him to employ cat enhancement techniques in our home. 

Please welcome back our beloved Hermie!!!

Thanks everybuddy. It's great to be back. You know, sometimes people who live with cats think all they need for a full life is food, water, and lots of love. That's not true. Here's a prime example of...

Feline Social Director FAIL!

Cats Are Like Rainbows


We at It's a Wonderpurr Life are joining Brian's Home Thankful Thursday Blog Hop by being very Thankful that our lovely supurr senior, ChauncieMarie, is doing well at the age of seventeen, despite having kidney disease.

Last Octopurr she was diagnosed, but the vet I took her to wasn't the right fit for us. So I chose another vet a little farther outside our neighborhood and hit the jackpot. ChauncieMarie got another exam and an update on her bloodwork. A little low on potassium, but still at low risk.

Rude Visitor at My House

 Hi evfurrybuddy! It's me, Dori. *wavy paws* 

Since moving to FloryDa we don't have many visitors at our house. Thank Cod, because the sound of the doorbell or *gasp!* strange knocking at the front door just ... just... turns me inside out.

I don't know what yoo do, but I hurl myself through the house and dive under the bed.  Typically I use a Forward Dive, but there has been occasions when I've executed a Flying Hurdle ending with a Tuck Position. I know, very complicated diving terms, but I assure yoo, I am a pawfessional and have won blue ribbons from the judges.

So yesterday started out nicely with me wakey-waking Momma at six-thirty with a patty-paw to her cheek, followed by brushing whiskers over her eyes. I knew she was awake, but she's stubborn and pretended to still sleep. So I then licked her nose until she finally got up. Of course yoo know what happened next:

Emergency Sunday Selfie

 Hi evfurrybuddy, this is Dori. *wavy paws* Yesterday I asked Momma to help me take a Selfie for the Sunday hop.

Unfortunately, Momma thinks she's funny, and when I saw my pikchure after posing, this is what I saw: