New Years Date with Baunilha

From our home to yours, wishing you a new year filled with joy, health and above all, true friendship.

Hot Air Affair - Date with Baunilha

 Dear Diary,

My Zoo Boo Date with Baunilha kinda freaked her out. I thought it was a blast, what with the winged monkey and the tigerkeet, but hey. I'm a guy. Us guys have different ideas about what's fun to do on a date. Clearly, since she's refused to go out with me since Octopurr.

I hate to say it, but I had to beg. Even writing the word makes my sphincter clench. It goes against my reputation as an awesome AssRabbit, But Dori said begging is a part of dating, and Mom agreed.

Zoo Boo Date with Baunilha


Dear Diary,

My Birthday Date with Baunilha, the lovely kitteh from Portugal, went well enough that she agreed to accompany me on another date. 

I'm thrilled she wants to see me again, and feel I can outdo the last date, even though Mom confiscated her Ameowican Express cawd after she got the bill revealing the price of Baunilha's birthday presents.

Without a credit cawd, I couldn't take my date to an all you can eat place, like I'd hoped to. Our last date went pretty good when we stopped shopping and got to eat stuff. So I made a list of things to do with Baunilha that didn't require a credit cawd.

  1. A slam poetry reading...
  2. Amateur comedy show...
  3. Local Zumba class...
  4. Karaoke...
  5. McDonald's refuse bin...
  6. My parents house...
  7. A blood donation drive...
  8. Pick Mushrooms...
  9. Friday Night Box Pawty

I showed my list to my pals Peanut aka PretzelKitteh and Peanut aka ImABoatCat, and they both strongly recommended I rethink my list. I asked for ideas and this is what they came up with:

Birthday Date with Baunilha


 Dear Diary,

It all started when my furend Baunilha said she didn't have a special birthday celebration:

I knew Baunilha from Instagram. She's part of the @CacauBaunilhaSul family. They live in Portugal.  Their names translate into English as Cocoa, Vanilla and South. 



Next Caturday, Octopurr 16th is BOSS'S DAY. So today's Wonderpurr Cattoon is dedicated to all BOSSES out there in the Blogosphere. And not just the hoomon kind. My Dadders usta be a boss. Then he got old and retired. But Mom never stopped being a Boss. Boss of us all, including Dadders. At my house I'm second in line to be Boss, mostly cuz I have no filter, or OFF switch. 


 Dear Diary, 

Why am I always made out to be the villain? Okay, so maybe I can be a bit more enthusiastic about life. I'm almost four, and every day is a new oppurrrtoo
nity for a great adventure.

Like today. Mom bought some cool triangle boxes. What a great idea! They felt amazing under my paws. Fresh and unique. Cool and comfortapurr.  All I wanted was to enjoy these new boxes, but then along comes Miss Bweaking Nooz repurrtor Dori, and next thing I know, my plans to enjoy these boxes turns into a big deal. 

I'm thinking Dori and the Gang make stuff a Big Deal just because I saw it first. Pffft!

The Subject is Penguins

 Hello to all my Furends. Welcome to another Tuesdays with Dori. I'm yoor host, Dori. *wavy paws* So this week my momma started taking pawtography lessons. She's had a nice camera for awhile, but has leaned too much on her iPhone to take our pikchures. Something about how, if she had to run and get her DSLR every time one of us struck a pose, every pikchure would be filed under "No Look Wednesday." While Momma is off learning about how to wurk her camera, and not depend on Auto... Daddy went off to sweat in the sun while playing swat ball with stick game. 

Momma had every intention of helping me write my Tuesday column, but she had to take the loooong way home because there was a horry-bill accident on the freeway and twaffic was backed up for over ten miles and at least two hours, if not more. So now all she wants to do is take a nap. So, today's Tuesday column is a re-run of a Cat-toon from our old house where George and Gracie Geese visited with their babies last spring. We sure do miss seeing them. Now all we get at this house are deer doggos and huuuuge owls sitting in branches over our Catio, staring at ME with a hangry look in their eyes. I nearly peed my purrrple underpants the other day.

Okay, on wif the show!


The Leprechaun Trap - A Wondepurr Cattoon
Hi everyone, this is Dori. Surprise Numpurr 1: It's not Tuesday. Surprise Numpurr 2: It's not Caturday. Surprise Numpurr  3: It's St. Patrick's Day and I have a Wonderpurr Cattoon to share with yoo featuring a Leprechaun who didn't lawyer-up after a run-in with the AssRabbit. I know, that sounds incredible. So, without further adieu, let's find out what happened when Wabbit set a trap to catch a Leprechaun.

What Time Is It?


Welcome to another Wonderpurr Cattoon. Today's feature is What Time Is It starring Frank and the lovable, but thoroughly obnoxious Ass Rabbit.

Passing Time Until Lunch - A Wonderpurr Cattoon

Welcome to another Wonderpurr Cat-toon. Hope you are having a beautiful Caturday! Today's cat-toon features Opie and Jack, two best furends who can spend all day just hanging out, enjoying each other's company. Let's see what they're chatting about today.

Red Bucket Banter: A Caturday Cat-toon


Hi evfurrybuddy, this is Dori. *wavy paws* For today's Caturday Cat-toon, all I'm gonna say is... brofurs are a pain in the tail.

Fifty Shades of Grey-Tabby

Today is National Love Your Pet Day.

I don't think this is what they mean.... Do yoo? 

And now... for your A-Mewsment... A Wonderpurr Cat-toon starring Opie and Jack in DOGS ARE OVERRATED. Take it away boys!



Welcome to our Wonderpurr ReBoot! I'm Dori, your hostess for Tuesdays with Dori. Makes sense. I mean, it would be silly if Wabbit or Hwermie was hostess for Tuesdays with Dori.

Anyway! This past week I was supposed to write a fascinating column filled with insightful theories about Love, Life and the purrrrsuit of Happy-ness. However, my 'puter gave me trubble, and I got plenty hissed.

I mean, look what I went through!