Sunshine Girl


Dear Frens,

This past week I was helping my momma purge old photos and stuff off our computer when suddenly, we found this adorable video of me playing in my backyard. Filmed two years ago before we moved to FloryDa, we watched in silence, remempurring the good times that little backyard gave us.

Our backyard was actually very big, with a creek running through the backhalf. However, as Momma told me, shortly after they moved in, my brofur Hwermie bolted out the door, and Momma had to chase him down through several yards. She was fearful he would take a sharp right and jump into the creek.

So, after he did this twice (with Momma wearing her beloved pink bunny slippers both times) she told Daddy to fence the yard. However, instead of fencing the whole yard, they made a smaller Secret Garden.

We loved that garden. It had a three tiered fountain, and lots of plants to hide among, especially when Momma wanted us to come inside. 

But when we moved, we no longer had grass to play on. Here in FloryDa, our backyard has a wetland where lots of predators live. We've had visits from Great Horned Owls, and deer, and marsh rabbits. And a Bob Cat. Yep, he was super scary. I saw him and couldn't move from my spot on the other side of the catio screen.

So, here, for  yoor amewsment, are my videos from both my Secret Garden backyard, and just this weekend, me enjoying my sun puddle in my Catio yard.

Until Next Time...


  1. You really are a sunshine girl, Dori🌞Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  2. Dori, look at you having all that fun!
    Beware of those big GHO; they want to eat, and they have big talons too.
    Am attending an owl lecture this weekend, because I like owls.

  3. Oh, what a lovely garden! How lucky you are, Dori!

  4. Your secret garden sure looks like it was fun sweet Dori but your pool area looks nice too!

  5. I love your video. Be careful when you sunbathe by the pool that you don't roll the wrong way though.

  6. Loved the video. You're enjoying out in the sun and we're enjoying seeing you out in the sun.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  7. oh em cod dori; furst; ewe bee a bathin bee ewe tee; thurd we think it wood bee TOTAL LEE kewl ta see R big cat cuzin bob, H: ewe knead sum fish in that pond :) ♥♥

  8. The Secret Garden was nice but we can almost feel the warms on your furs as you take your bath!!

  9. Dori, your old yard looks like more fun, but you sure found a nice sunpuddle in your new yard in which to take a bath. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  10. Dori..I came here from someone else's page. I had wondered where you were, and here you are. Just I don't know it any more. XXOO I can't get a feed..


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